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Puerto Escondido History : The Legend

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Puerto Escondido?

Puerto Escondido is a beach destination located on the Pacific coast of Mexico, in the state of Oaxaca. Known for its laid-back surfer village vibe, this town has managed to retain its charm while evolving over time. Located about 800 km southeast of Mexico City and 290 km from the capital, Oaxaca de Juárez, Puerto Escondido is nestled between Acapulco and Huatulco, in the Costa region.

The Legend of the Pirate Andrew Drake

The Puerto Escondido history is enriched by a captivating legend dating back to the time of pirates. According to this legend, Andrew Drake, supposed brother of the famous pirate Francis Drake, anchored his ship in the bay of Puerto Escondido when the area was completely uninhabited. Andrew and his crew were looking for a refuge where they could rest without being disturbed by the viceregal authorities.

A few weeks before their arrival, Andrew and his crew had abducted a young Mixtec woman from a village in what is now Huatulco. They had taken her with them on their ship to this remote bay.

The Escape of “La Escondida”

However, the young woman managed to escape from the cabin where she was held captive. She jumped overboard and swam to the shore, where she found refuge in the jungle, far from the beach. Despite the pirates’ efforts to find her, they failed. They then began to call the woman “La Escondida” (the hidden one).
puerto escondido history

The Fruitless Search

Andrew Drake and his crew returned to the bay many times, hoping to find the young woman, but without success. The woman was nowhere to be found, and their quest remained in vain. The bay was then named “La Escondida,” in homage to this elusive woman.

From “La Escondida” to Puerto Escondido

Over time, the name “La Escondida” evolved to become “Puerto Escondido,” which literally means “Hidden Port.” Today, Puerto Escondido is not only famous for its fascinating legends but also for its beautiful beaches and perfect surfing waves. This transformation is a significant part of Puerto Escondido history.

A Legacy of Mystery and Beauty

The legend of the hidden woman adds a layer of mystery to the natural beauty of Puerto Escondido. Visitors can not only enjoy the picturesque landscapes and beach activities but also soak in the rich and intriguing Puerto Escondido history of this unique destination.

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Respect the Environment and the Community

During your visits, it is essential to respect the environment and the local community. Pickup your trash, avoid disturbing the fauna and flora, and respect the customs and traditions of the residents. By acting responsibly, you will contribute to preserving this beautiful place for future generations.